CLASS offers a wide range of innovative service choices to meet individual needs and provide opportunities for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities to maximize their independence, community inclusion, acceptance, and individual rights.
CLASS services create opportunities to help individuals live healthy, safe, happy, and productive lives.
CLASS Services Include:

Life Skills Enhancement
Recreation and leisure activities are critical dimensions of the quality of life for all people, including those with intellectual or other developmental disabilities. These activities allow people to have fun, meet new friends, and develop skills.

Community Living
The ability to decide where and with whom to live is a freedom that is highly valued by all members of society, including persons with intellectual or other developmental disabilities. Communities provide unlimited opportunities for acceptance, contribution, and inclusion.

Targeted Case Management (TCM)
When it comes to selecting services for persons with intellectual or other developmental disabilities, there are many choices to make, and the process can be overwhelming. Targeted Case Management, or TCM, services exist to assist persons with disabilities and their families in making these important decisions.

Shared Living
Shared Living through CLASS provides adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities access to a natural rhythm of life similar to living in the family home.

Transportation services are available to the individuals we serve. CLASS also offers public transportation in our communities.
Call 1-800-479-0259 or 620-429-1212 for more information regarding availability and service areas.